If you look at the system around us, reality is the sum of all real things. We are part of this whole system, and we are not separate from it. If you live in a thriving, dynamic environment, you will see reality everywhere you look. You'll be able to experience and know the true nature of what we do and experience. What we do determines our reality. But how do we know what we actually do and how can we know when we're in the presence of it?
The answer to the question "What is reality?" is simple. It is the totality of things. The world is not made up of separate realities. Each of them interacts with the other. These realities are all one Reality, and the whole system is made up of them. The entire system is not just one thing. Instead, it is made up of many different reality-based systems. These systems have very different views of what constitutes reality, but they are all connected by a common core.
While humans can infer some aspects of stone reality, no one can really know what it is like. Geologists and poets can only infer what they see. For stones, the nature of reality is different. Because of the way they interact with their environments, they are constantly changing. Unlike humans, the world of a stone does not speak a language that can be understood by anyone. Nevertheless, we can still infer something about its existence from what we see.